The Corner Theatre

Wednesday, May 28, 7:00 PM

Friday, May 30, at 7:00 PM

A middle-aged, emaciated woman lies in a hotel bed, asleep. On the bedside table is a bottle of champagne and some glasses. Lola wakes up suddenly and stands up in bed with a roar... New Norwegian opera by Therese Ulvo and Marit Eikemo.

What happened? How did the tired Lola end up in that lovely hotel bed? Is she high again, or is she dead and gone to heaven?  

Yes, because she was sick – both she and all her friends on the street. An epidemic had broken out among the city's outcasts, and people feared them more than ever. 

But now the wounds are dressed, the sheets are clean and the wine is cold. Lola is in a "Superior comfort room" at Hotel Terminus – with her own account, Lovely Lola, on social media.    

With a slanted glance at our time

Like a modern-day Holberg Jeppe, Lola is tricked into a drama with herself in the lead role. The hotel staff want to play a trick on her, and plastered wounds become distant memories of yesterday, when Lola encounters luxury and popularity.   

Outside room 314, protesters, commentators, and politicians can be heard. And inside, Lola cries out something familiar: a sadness at being abandoned, not being heard, seen, and helped when it really mattered.   

What responsibility do we have for each other – and what does that mean in our time? What is really sick, and what is healthy? What is real, and what is staged? Terminus asks such questions, without providing clear answers. 

Exciting Norwegian artists are behind

Behind this brand new opera is Therese Birkelund Ulvo, one of the country's leading composers. She has previously written works for the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra (In the Cage, 2019), the Norwegian Broadcasting Orchestra (Please don't Hesitate, 2017) and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra (Shadows and Shields, 2013), among others. The librettist is Marit Eikemo, known for her clear, socially critical and entertaining writing, in novels such as Team Tuva and in the essay collection Samtidsruinar. 

The director is Maren E. Bjørseth, who was behind the Lehman trilogy and Romeo and Juliet at the Norwegian Theatre, A Christmas Fairytale and All My Sons at the National Theatre, as well as Anna Karenina at the Oslo New Theatre. 

A co-production between Bergen National Opera with the Harmonien Music Society and the Edvard Grieg Choirs, the Norwegian Opera & Ballet, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra & Opera and the Bergen International Festival.

Language: Norwegian
Duration: 1h 30 min

Therese Ulvo / Music
Magnus Loddgard / Musical management
Marit Eikemo / Libretto
Maren Bjørseth / Director
Olav Myrtved / Set design and costume design
Norunn Standal / Lighting design

Eli Kristin Hanssveen / Lola
Tone Kummervold / The employees, Politikeren
Zakarias Fredriksen Tranvåg / The Doctor
Magne Fremmerlid / The employees
Magnus Staveland / The Director

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra
Edvard Grieg Choir